August 24, 2008

This was a rough week for me. Early in the week, George and I broke up. I had been thinking about it for awhile, and I guess he had too; we're very different in so many ways, plus there was the question of moving to Canada. I couldn't picture him being happy so far from the community he loves, and he wasn't sure about it either. So we decided that it would be for the best to part ways. I know that we'll remain very good friends, but it's still been difficult. It's not easy to split from your partner of more than two years, even if you know it's the right thing for both of you.

Anyway, as a result of that, I have been thinking about changing my plans a little. I'll keep you all updated as I figure things out. I do have to admit that it feels pretty fantastic to be reformulating my plans without having to take anyone else into consideration. In that way, it's nice to be a completely independent woman again.

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