March 10, 2008

Nairobbery lives up to its name

This weekend was pretty awful. I don't want to go into too much detail (if you really want to know, ask), but in short, George was drugged and his phone and my camera were stolen in the course of an evening. It was partially our fault for not being more careful, but dammit, that was a strange and scary night. George is fine after having a bit of a miserable Sunday. While I know that they're just material things and the important thing is that everyone is okay, I loved that camera, and the phone will be difficult to replace. I managed to find myself another, much inferior camera for a pretty penny.

We've learned our lesson. No matter how comfortable you get, this is still Nairobi. Don't trust anyone, and always watch your drink.


Aesiron said...

Holy hell. Drugged? That's just insane. I'm glad you and Georgie are at least okay. Ugh. I'm so sorry, dear.

Anonymous said...

Geesh. I'm so sorry to hear that.
I'm glad you're okay though.

I've not had much time to comment, but I AM reading your entries with great interest.

Stay safe.